

Homework is graded on a scale of 0 to 10. Grading of homework is somewhat subjective. I will be looking for the following:

A "10" is a paper that is neat and easy to read, the problems assigned are all attempted AND all correct. Each problem is written out and all of the work is detailed. This paper represents outstanding effort AND understanding.

A "9" is a paper that is neat and easy to read, all of the problems assigned are all attempted, with each problem written out and all of the work is detailed. There are FEW MINOR ERRORS and corrections have been made to incorrect problems. This paper represents outstanding effort.

An "8" is a paper that is neat and easy to read, and mostly complete ~ a few problems have not been attempted and/or the work is not detailed or corrected if mistakes made. There are FEW MAJOR ERRORS. This paper represents above average effort.

A "7" is a paper that is more than half complete ~ more than half of the problems have been attempted and/or slightly more than half of the work has been detailed. There may be SOME MINOR or a FEW MAJOR ERRORS. This paper represents average effort.

A "6" is a paper that is about half complete ~ slightly more than half of the problems have been attempted and/or about half of the work is detailed. FEW CORRECTIONS, and SOME MAJOR ERRORS. This paper represents below average effort.

A "5" is a paper that is just barely started ~ at least half of the problems have been attempted and/or very little work is detailed. This paper represents minimal effort.

A "0 to 4" is a paper that shows only answers with no detailed work, appears to be copied, and/or has not been attempted, or is not turned in on time.

Don’t forget about policies for make-up work or late work (all other late work does NOT earn a score except zero, however, I will look it over to provide feedback, provided there is time).