Course expectation 7th Grade

Pepin Academies Riverview

2022- 2023

Mrs. Sorce’s Class

Math Syllabus


 Dear Parents and Guardians, Hello and welcome. My name is Mrs. Marsha Sorce and I will be your child's’ math teacher this new school year. As we embark on this year, I want to introduce myself as the partner in your child’s math education. At the end of this letter, you will find information about my math classroom policies regarding materials, textbook, grading, homework, information on progress reports, and teacher e-mails. Please read and review the school rules, policies, and information that can be found in the student code of conduct. To facilitate our communication, please check your child’s math folder and planner regularly. Also, students’ grades can be found on Canvas at any time throughout the school year. Make sure to contact Mrs. Henry for a Home-access username and password. My goal is to monitor the maturation process of your child over the course of the school year. Please feel free to e-mail me or write me a note whenever you feel like expressing your concerns about the progress of your child. I am very excited to be given the opportunity to work with your child this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email. Sincerely,

Marsha M. Sorce  (7 th - 8 th grade Math)

Classroom: 706 A

vailable hours: 7:00 – 3:30

Telephone: 813- 533-2999

Learning Objectives:

 Integers

 Rational Numbers

 Linear Equations

 Proportions and Similarity

 Linear Functions

 Percent

 Data Analysis and Probability

 Surface Area and Volume

 Measurement and Proportional Reasoning

 Transformations

 Geometry and Spatial Reasoning

 Statistics

 Inequalities, Functions, and Monomials

REQUIRED MATERIALS: All students are expected to have these materials with them in class, daily.

Student's Supplies:

2 Composition Notebooks

1 Pencil Pack

1 Package Highlighter

1 Pencil sharpener

2 Packages pencils

1 Package eraser caps and big pink erasers

*Scientific Calculator/Required

Classroom Supplies (Optional)

1 Package Wide Rule Notebook Paper

1 Box Kleenex

1 Container Clorox Wipes

1 Roll Paper Towels

1 Hand Sanitizer

Grading Scale:

A = 90 -- 100

B = 80 -- 89

C = 70 -- 79

D = 60 -- 69

F = 0 -- 59

Criteria for Evaluation:

Academic Grades will consist of four categories:

1. Assessments for Learning (Formative Assessments) – Commonly known as “Classwork” which includes: Attendance, Engagement, Listening Skill, Behavior, and Preparation (Math Class Participation Rubric (40%) Quizzes (15%) Homework (5%)

2. Assessments of Learning (Summative Assessments) – Commonly known as “ End of the Chapter (Unit) Tests (25% )

3. Citizenship – Commonly known as the Weekly Progress Report which will reflect such things as missing assignments and behavior. Citizenship (5%)

4. Bell-work/Notebook/Planner Check – (10%) of the total academic grade. Formative Assessments: It is important that assigned work is completed to help the learning take place. Therefore, students will do better on summative assessments if the prior work and learning has taken place. It is expected that students will complete all formative work assignments and turn them in on time.

Summative Re-takes: All students are allowed re-takes on summative assessments. Students receiving a grade of a “D” or an “F” on any assessment will be highly encouraged to re-test in order to show additional learning and understanding of the stated outcomes. Students will be provided the opportunity to re-take only if they have completed all of their test corrections and practice work prior to the date of the re-take. Re-takes will resemble the original assessment in content, rigor and format. Students are expected to proactively initiate any re-take they choose to complete. Re-assessment beyond tests in the case of quizzes are at the teacher’s discretion.

Classroom expectations:

1. Time: Since classwork is an essential part of the curriculum, students are required to put in the time needed to complete both classwork and homework. The amount of time needed for homework will vary from day to day depending on the concept being covered and the time and effort a student puts into completing the work in class. It is expected that homework will be completed every day.

2. Effort: Please be sure to put forth your best effort in completing all assignments, inside and outside of the classroom. Always do your best!

3. Organization: Always come to class prepared with materials and assignments completed.

4. Attitude: A good attitude is vital in achieving success in mathematics and in life. With a positive attitude, you are much more likely to accomplish your goals. Stay positive!


 Rules for classroom behavior are suggested and agreed upon by the students on the first week of school.

1. The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.

2. Listen while others are speaking and raise your hand in class to be called on.

3. Respect yourself, others, and property.

4. Leave the room cleaner than you found it.

5. Always do your best!

 Consequences in succession for misbehavior: 1. One warning is given.

2. “Take a break” – remove for a couple of minutes to cool down. Possible email or phone call home. Consequences will be discussed by the teacher & student.

3. Other possible consequences:

 Detention during lunch.

 Disciplinary referral.

Daily Classroom Procedures:

BEFORE THE BELL RINGS: Be in your seat.



END OF CLASS: Clean your desk and pack up 5 minutes before the bell ring. (Teacher release you not the Bell).

Raising your hand:

Raising your hand indicates that you would like my attention. Students are expected and encouraged to ask questions and participate during lessons. Once you are working independently or within groups, please feel free to raise your hand at any time as long as questions and/or comments are related directly to the task at hand. Otherwise, please hold your thoughts and speak to me after class, at the end of the day, or the very next morning.

Sharpening your pencil:

If your pencil point should break, you should sharpen your pencil with the least amount of disruption possible. Please wait to sharpen your pencil until I have completed teaching my lesson and/or talking to the class as a whole. It would be beneficial to have a pencil sharpener of your own that you can access at any time.

Restroom Use:

I ask that you wait until all instruction has been given before asking to leave the room to use the bathroom. Please raise your hand to ask permission, Sign out upon exit and sign back in upon return. Take the required pass. Only 1 person may leave the classroom at a time, so if someone else is out of the classroom, please wait until they have returned to ask for permission.

Group Work: During lessons there will be opportunities to work in pairs/groups. I ask that everyone respect one another when working together. Please do not express disappointment or disapproval of other students within the class. In addition, all students are expected to contribute to the activity with no one person taking charge of the entire group, and no student should rely on other students to do all the work.

I-Ready/Homework: Completing math homework and passing two lessons a week on I-Ready is essential for success in math. Expect homework in math every day. Homework is not a punishment, but a valuable tool to help students succeed in math.

Homework will make up 5% of the math grade. All assignments should be labeled with the student’s first and last name, date, period, and assignment title. Students need to use pencil only and must show work. Students will always receive written and oral directions for all class work, homework, and tests. Time will be given in class to write down the daily assignments in the student’s planner.


Students are expected to come to class prepared every day with their homework, workbook, and several sharpened pencils. Bringing the above list of materials, completing all assignments, having a willingness to learn and participation is crucial for success. Textbook: The students will receive their own workbook which they will need to keep track of throughout the year. There is just one available per student; therefore, it will be kept in class so it does not get lost.

Absences: Excessive absences should be avoided. In the event of an absence, the student is required to make up class and homework assignments. Any student that is absent should check with me immediately upon their return to school. Please see the Student Code of Conduct for the policy on completing work after an absence.

Extra Help:

If any student feels he/she needs extra help, has questions, tutoring, or to make up work from an absence, student is encouraged to see me and set up a time or come in the morning between 7:30-8:30am to room 706.